10 ways Physical Security can Benefit ANY Business | Urgent Security Services

When protecting your business, technology has advanced to the point where some people feel that they can use technology to eliminate the need for manned security.   Security Companies are oftentimes happy to supply this either to monitor or to install it themselves.

Whilst this is all well and good, installing these facilities can oftentimes be expensive and don’t provide a lot of benefits you would get with uniformed physical security guards on site.

In this article, I am going to go over 10 benefits that physical security services can provide to any business.

Security Officers Benefit Businesses Regardless of Niche

  1. Giving your employees a sense of security

Crime is a bigger governing factor over an employee’s decision on where to work than most people think.

According to the new American working conditions survey, 1 in 5 Americans don’t feel safe in their job or claim to have a hostile working environment. With this massive figure, it is easy to see why productivity is constantly in contention in the workplace, it is proven that in high-stress situations

With this in mind, even something as seemingly secure as an office job would benefit massively from security due to the in-built sense of security you are able to place in an individual who is trained to keep you safe.

  1. Reassuring new and returning customers/clients

Customers and clients are the bread and butter of any workplace, keeping them coming back is the number 1 priority of any flourishing business and so leaving a lasting impression means a lot. To this end, hiring security for your business shows you are willing and capable of prioritizing your customers and staff above all else.

The worse impression to leave on a customer is that of uncertainty and a lack of safety, even the best business can be avoided if their customers/clients don’t feel secure.

  1. Keeping a sense of balance

Balance means a lot in the world of business, keeping good tabs on all facets of your business is key to seeing strong and continuous growth.

So, security is a natural fit.

Security guards are trained to keep balance, it is their primary job role, being able to provide a level-headed assessment of a situation grants them the ability to defuse and deal with any tense situation growing between customers or staff.

  1. Helping with minor everyday tasks

Here is a task most don’t look too far into, tasks like cleaning and greeting people is something a security guard can take over with. After all, security guards are there to help you and your business out, it wouldn’t make sense for them not to step in and help with the little stuff.

  1. Protecting your business’ stock/assets

Stock and assets are what keeps a business going, having either one of these compromised can absolutely cripple a business of any size. So, whilst it may seem obvious, security guards are sometimes looked at as someone who breaks up bar brawls when in actual fact, they are highly trained officers, capable of seizing any individual trying to vandalise or steal from your business.

  1. Represents the company

Your company is everything, it is the reason you have a job and the reason so many others are able to take home a paycheque once a month. With this in mind, you want to make sure all aspects of your business are professional and approachable, this is where a security guard could come in.

Security guards are easily adaptable to the right attire for the job and as far as they are concerned, are a member of staff like any other, holding themselves to the same levels of dignity and respect as they should.

  1. General Monitoring

Surveillance is everything in this day and age, being able to keep an eye on each aspect of your business is crucial to leading a successful campaign. With this in mind, security guards are more than capable of providing you the information you not only want, but in a lot of cases need.

Surveying areas and reporting back is the bread and butter of a guard’s role and with you knowing those areas are secure, it allows you to get back to the important things.

  1. Visual Deterrent

This idea piggy backs off the previous points, guards act as an incredibly powerful visual deterrent, being able to ward off criminals simply by being on site with some signage around.

It has been well documented that any premises shown to be guarded is considerably less likely to be a target for criminals, due to the fact that guards are a lot more difficult to bypass than more technological security measures.

  1. Saves money

Now everyone has heard the old phrase “you have to spend money to make money” and it rings true here as well. When it comes to crime and criminal activity there is a huge potential for loss, just allowing one individual with ill intent in can cause havoc for your business and sink a lot of smaller companies. Therefore, hiring a consistent security guard over a longer period of time may seem like a loss in revenue but it equates to a total net gain!

  1. Flexibility

All of these points have culminated in this one, flexibility. Simply put, physical security is flexible where more modern means aren’t, generally the answer you will hear when asking a guard to do something will be “yes”. They are there to guard your business, however that is best achieved is down to you, therefore you have the authority to tell them whatever it is that needs doing, ultimately saving you time, money and worry when it comes to your business.


So, in conclusion, security guards are shown to consistently be some of the most valuable security assets a business can employ, and it doesn’t look like that is changing any time soon. Security is a trick issue to navigate with so many ways a business can be brought down, how do you possibly protect yourself against every single issue. With a security guard on site, all of these worries can wash away, leaving you more time to build, develop and grow your business.


This post was written by Jake Evans

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