Keeping One Eye Open: Secrets on How Not to Fall Asleep on the Job


Whether you’re trying to survive a long night shift or a regular working day, it’s reasonable to experience a wave of fatigue now and then. Unfortunately for some, this is a daily occurrence. For those providing security services , this could result in a serious security breach.


While tiredness in the workplace is a normal phenomenon, this article will cover some tips to combat it. Keep reading for some ideas for immediate action, superfoods for an energy boost, as well as a few long term changes for long term results.

Top Tips To Stay Awake at Work

Whether you’re working during the day or night, chances are that you’ve experienced the struggle of staying awake while on duty. Fatigue is not something that we can run away from, but we can try to dampen it. Here are a few tricks and tips you can immediately implement to prevent falling asleep on the job and stay in top form.

1. Stay Hydrated


While we all know that sugar and caffeine are good for an energy boost, they can also cause you to crash and leave you feeling shaky. It could also have you leaving your post for a regular bathroom break. If caffeine is an absolute requirement, try a refreshing cup of green tea instead to stay hydrated.


The other obvious option to keep hydrated is to drink plenty of water. It is, after all, the healthier option. If you really need a good cup of coffee to wake you up, go ahead and indulge. Just be sure to avoid it during the last hour of your shift, to ensure that you are able to sleep.

2. Increase Brain Activity


Although a security guard’s duties could be considered tedious, it requires some mental alertness. If permitted, keep a supply of puzzle books close by. Crosswords and sudoku are perfect in this case. If these options are not allowed, create little games using your senses . Focusing on strengthening your senses is a great way to keep your brain active.


3. Eat Smart Snacks

Eating regular snacks will help to keep your blood sugar at a constant point. The aim is to keep your energy levels up, so avoid snacks with added sugar that may make you crash.

4. Get Moving

If you’re stuck at the security desk, try to get moving whenever you can. The increased activity results in increased blood flow and rapid awakening.


Please note that exercise does not necessarily mean jumping jacks and push-ups. Taking a brisk walk around the building while on your break is all you need to do to get your blood pumping and heart rate up. If you can’t get away from your desk, consider an under-desk elliptical machine .



5. Extra Measures



Try seeking external assistance with staying awake while on duty. Download an app that is designed to keep you awake. They make a random noise at set intervals to keep you alert. Alternatively, ask a friend to send you a regular message or call to check-in.  Read this article for apps that help keep you awake.


Which Foods Can Help Keep You Awake?

The foods listed below are an excellent energy source. The best part is that they offer additional health benefits as well. The following is a list of the top foods and drinks to keep you awake and boost brain activity.

  1. Chocolate
  2. Protein
  3. Whole Grains
  4. Green Tea
  5. Fruit

Lifestyle Changes to Combat Fatigue

While the tips mentioned above may have near-instant results, they are not long term solutions. The best long term solutions are small lifestyle changes. Let’s take a closer look at some of these changes and the benefits.

1. Introduce a Fixed Exercise Regimen

Simple lifestyle changes sometimes have the most significant impact on your overall health. In this case, consider adding about an hour to your routine for a brisk walk or run.

If you’re short on time, try cutting out 20 minutes for a quick workout. The benefits of proper exercise are countless. The most notable is the “high” that comes with the endorphins released. It’ll put you in a fantastic mood and ready to take on the day or night at work.

2. Limit Sound In Your Sleep Environment

Opt to turn off all electronic devices in your immediate sleeping environment. If you are unable to sleep without sound, try using a white noise machine or sleep-inducing music. This will aid in blocking out any distracting noises that could keep you awake.

3. Steer Clear of Stimulants

Avoid consuming any caffeinated drinks, and sugar, to name a few, before going to bed. These stimulants can make it more difficult to fall asleep.  Here is a great article that speaks to the effect of stimulants on sleep patterns.

4. Avoid Too Much Light Before Bed

By exposing yourself to too much light before going to sleep, you are disrupting your body’s melatonin production. Light exposure can leave your body feeling energized instead of winding down.

An excellent tip is to use an eye mask if possible. This mask will assist with blocking out any light that may disrupt your sleep

Wrapping Up

A sudden wave of fatigue at work can be quite overwhelming, especially when you feel incapable of doing anything about it. The tips above show that there are many things that can be done when the wave hits.

In today’s economy, the importance of a reliable salary overrides many factors. The mistake that many people make is to put their health at risk for this cause. Many people overlook the importance of healthy sleep hygiene. Whether looking at the long term or short term, the tips above are a crucial first step to good health.

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