What Building Services Can a Fire Watch Company Provide?

While most people are familiar with building security services, fewer are aware of fire watch companies, even though the same company may provide both services! Protecting your business, including material assets and employees, from fire, is as important as any other security measure you may employ. When a U.S. Fire Marshall determines your fire suppression system is not working properly, you'll need to contact a fire watch service to help remedy the situation. Here are a few of the services they will provide.

Physical Patrol

A fire watch service provides clients with extra eyes, ears, and boots on the ground to ensure the risk of a fire on your property remains low. By patrolling the facility, they can be on alert for any fire outbreak that may happen. At Urgent Security & Fire Watch, we can have patrol officers patrolling every 30 minutes. They will have the necessary tools and equipment to provide effective service.

Fire Emergency Response

One of the most important things a fire watch officer does is report a fire emergency to the proper authorities. This action provides great peace of mind to property owners and managers. In the case of an actual fire, a professional fire watch company can sound the alarm and quickly contact the fire department, potentially minimizing damages. The fire watch officer can then provide the fire department with access to the building and any secure areas they need to access. Having a liaison between your company and the fire department during a trying and chaotic situation.

Fire watch services are especially useful for businesses, construction sites, and other types of buildings that do not operate 24 hours a day. For instance, if no one is in the building overnight, no one can notify the fire department if a fire breaks out on the property.

Documenting Patrol Activities

Fire watch officers keep documentation of their patrolling duties. All activities associated with a fire watch must be documented, so you can have accurate data in case a fire does break out. This service is very beneficial and can help you keep tabs on specific times, such as when the fire occurred and when the patrol officer was patrolling different sections of the building.

Many people would be surprised to learn that American fire departments respond to just over 3,000 fires in offices each year, according to the National Fire Protection Association. Some of those fires could be prevented or minimized with someone on-site looking for fire hazard signs. If you need fire watch services immediately, don’t wait to call us today at Urgent Security & Fire Watch. We can have our team of fire watch patrol officers at your location in less than 3 hours.

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