4 Reasons Your Business Needs Fire Watch Services | Urgent Security Services


Did you know that 31% of office fires happen between 7 PM and 7 AM and cause 67% of property damage? As a business owner, fire safety is a priority, and installing a fire suppression system or smoke alarm will provide you with an extra layer of fire security. But what if these systems fail? well, hiring a fire watch service is the answer to ensure your business building or construction site stays safe. Here are four reasons your business would benefit from hiring fire watch services .


1. Peace of Mind

Fire watch services can provide peace of mind. When you hire professional fire watch services, trained professionals will come to your business site or building to detect and prevent fire hazards when your fire suppression system is not working. They know the most common fire risks for businesses like yours, so they can identify risky behavior or conditions so a fire doesn’t start. This prevents small issues from becoming big ones that put your property and employees at risk. If there is a fire while you’re away, they will contact the fire department as soon as they notice any sign of fire and smoke, making sure the fire doesn’t spread quickly throughout your facility.

2. Stay Protected When Equipment Is Malfunctioning

If your fire suppression or alarm systems are malfunctioning or haven’t been installed yet, fire watch services can certainly provide protection until they are fixed or installed. This is especially important if you store valuable property or equipment on-site. For example, you could have too many devices on an old power socket or strip, combustible and flammable liquids, flammable materials like paper and boxes, faulty wiring, or plain negligence. Anything can start a fire in that scenario. A fire watch service will be able to spot any signs of smoke and fire or potential fire hazards while doing patrols on your premises. You don’t want a malfunctioning alarm, sprinkler, or access system to be the reason a fire goes undetected, as this can cause injuries to employees, too.

3. Remain complaint with any regulation

As a construction site or building manager, it’s your responsibility to ensure the property is safe and functioning properly. A fire will heavily affect the building or site you work on, which is why it’s required to call the fire marshal in order to be instructed that you need fire watch services if there’s an issue with your fire suppression system isn’t working. In addition, you can be fined heavily if you’re told to use fire watch services and don’t comply with the command since it’s a matter of site safety.

4. Reduce Business Interruptions

If a fire does break out, it can cause major business interruptions. You may have to close down your facility while it’s being repaired, which can lead to lost profits and even layoffs. That’s why it’s important to go through the right channels in order to get a fire watch service as soon as possible if you notice an issue with your fire suppression system. Having a functioning system is key to keeping your business running smoothly, and a fire watch will help make sure that you are complying with the law and keeping your building safe while your system is being repaired or otherwise brought back online.

As you can see, fire watch services are an important part of fire safety for businesses. By preventing fires from happening in the first place and responding quickly if there is a fire, they can help keep your business safe and minimize the damages caused by fire. Contact Urgent Security Services to learn more.

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