Why Every Construction Site Should Have Construction Security Guards

When you run a construction site, you are responsible for the safety of your crew and anyone else that is nearby. Construction sites can be dangerous even when everything goes to plan, but it is possible for mishaps, accidents or malfeasance to cause costly problems.  Therefore, every construction site should have security guards providing construction site security.  Besides safety issues that crop up from the job itself, or worker issues, problems that occur due to theft or vandalism drain budget and wreak havoc on production schedules.  At first some consider just getting cameras.  They soon realize that construction security guards are much better than cameras. Here is a list of 6 reasons that every construction site should have construction security guards from a security company on every job site.

1. High Cost of Theft

Construction materials are a hot commodity these days.  Copper is worth more than it used to be, and other construction materials can bring top dollar on the black market.  Many General Contractors choose to roll the dice and wait until after they experience a theft to contract with a security company to provide security guards.  This is the most costly option.  One incident of theft can amount to thousands of dollars in lost equipment and building materials.  In most cases the cost of the loss exceeds the cost of protecting the site with construction security guards.  Without security guards, it is easy for unscrupulous people to get on-site and steal materials.  Theft is more than a nuisance; it is a costly drain on project budgets.

2. Prevents Owner – GC Budget conflicts

Relationships between owners and general contractors are great …..until someone steals from your construction site.  Then the “great debate” starts.  Who is going to pay to replace what was stolen and who is going to be responsible for paying for security guards.  Discussing budget responsibility is never easy.  These conversations are much harder when they are had after the project starts.  It is always better to build security guards services in the budget ahead of time. 

3. Safety

Safety is always an issue on a construction site. Even when protocols and procedures are implemented properly, accidents can occur from weather or mistakes. Adding safety risks due to unauthorized guests on the site just increases the safety issues for your employees and contractors.  Construction security guards ensure that only authorized persons enter the location.  Security guards can also be present to enforce hard hat and eye protection usage.

3. Vandalism

Besides theft, vandalism is a problem. People that get on your construction site can cause all sorts of damage for fun or because they want to delay your job for a cause. This type of crime causes undue stress, costs money and also costs the time it takes to repair and replace the damaged work and materials.

4. Waste

Construction guards on-site can help reduce waste, by making sure that all scraps and old materials go where they are assigned. These materials are often recycled into other jobs or to charities by construction companies and need to be guarded to make sure they go where they are required.

5. Personnel

Making sure that the correct personnel are on-site and no one is there that shouldn’t be is an issue that goes hand-in-hand with security, theft and vandalism. Security guards protect the contractors and employees that you have working on the construction site, and keep people away that shouldn’t be there. Unwanted visitors can be a distraction at best, or cause theft or safety liablility at worse. 

6. Unruly Workers

Security guards can also help in the event that your employees or contractors arrive on-site in an unfit condition to work. Although this may not be a regular issue for you, the potential is a possibility. Security guards are trained to deal with people who are intoxicated, and can take steps to keep them away from the jobsite until they are deemed fit to work.

In any particular job or regional area, there are many safety and security risks that construction security guards can protect you from. They will keep both your materials and people safe from harm, so that your work can go on in a timely and efficient manner keeping your company profitable and free from unwanted legal issues. Security guards help protect you from these  threats to construction security.    Hiring security guards is an important step in the process of protecting your construction site.  In addition to hiring security guards you can find other ways to prevent construction theft here

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