9 ways security guards can tell a suspect is lying

When working for security companies, security guards are often required to question reporters, witnesses, and subjects. Knowing the difference between fact and fiction may give the security guard reason to take action or change the guard’s perspective of the story altogether to prevent action when unnecessary. Looking out for these signs can help a security guard identify a lie and respond accordingly.

  1. Covering their mouth.  When telling a lie, people tend to touch or cover their mouth, illustrating their desire to cut off communication.
  2. Leaning back while speaking.  Leaning back is a telltale sign of lying. Liars act out their desire to add distance or escape the situation by slightly tilting their head back or leaning back while dishonest.
  3. Wandering eyes as if looking for a way out . A liar’s eyes might wander to an exit in the room. If a security guard has asked a question and the subject glances toward an exit, it may be an indicator that the subject is being dishonest.
  4. Cover their neck or grab their necklace.  Because the  suprasternal  notch (the indentation at the base of the neck) creates vulnerability by bringing attention to heavy breathing, dishonest subjects may subconsciously cover this area by holding their necklace or casually covering their neck.
  5. Sweating more than usual.  Sweating is a typical response to stressful situations, and for anybody with an intact moral compass, lying creates significant stress. If they were sweating before the conversation, a lie may not be indicated, but if they begin sweating as they share, the security guard has reason to suspect the subject is lying.
  6. Making prolonged eye contact . Depending on the severity of the lie and the person telling the lie, prolonged eye contact may occur as a means of control. Some liars feel that establishing prolonged eye contact might make them appear truthful and less vulnerable to the guard.
  7. Talking slowly and may pause to think.  Many of those telling an elaborate lie talk slowly and pause occasionally to plan the next words carefully. As they become more stressed, their mouth might begin to dry out, making speech even slower and more difficult to understand. Because of the dry mouth that occurs, hard swallowing might also indicate dishonesty.
  8. A lot of pointing.  Liars become defensive when they get caught up in lies and tend to blame others and point a lot to divert attention.The pointing is intended to divert attention away from themselves.
  9. Talking too much.  As a subject provides untruthful information, they begin to become nervous and  overshare . The story becomes long and drawn out.  They might even share incriminating details in a way they believe proves their honesty. The stress can also cause them to repeat words or phrases or stutter from time to time.

Regardless of wether a guard is working for a security company in Maryland, Virginia, Washington DC or any other area, it is important to understand signs of dishonesty.  These simple cues can help a security guard judge honesty on the job, respond accordingly, and share their findings with the security agency that employs them. .

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