Stay alert working boring security guard post

33 MDAyMC5qcGc= As professional security guards we all have times where we work posts that have as much excitement as watching paint dry.  Security companies in Maryland, Virginia and Washington DC do not select posts based on their excitement level.  I have never heard of a security company owner saying “We only want to accept contracts with lots of excitement.”  On the contrary, security companies in Maryland, Virginia and Washington DC have a more positive opinion of assignments with less excitement due to reduced risks.  Security guards who are new to the industry can find it frustrating that security companies assign them to post with limited activity.  Seasoned security guards who have seen a lot of action over their history of service learn to enjoy the slow pace of a boring post.  This is due to the fact that experienced guards understand that excitement tends to reflect danger and dangerous situations can be life threatening.  However, even the most hardened veteran guard can have challenges staying focused when there is no activity to observe.  This is particularly the case for posts that involve standing at entrances.  In this case you have the challenge of handling the boredom combined with ignoring the fact that your feet may ache a bit toward the end of your shift if you don’t wear comfortable foot wear.  Here are a few things that a security guard can do to fight the boredom.

1. Do observation and memory skill exercises

Look around the area and look at the details of your surroundings.  Notice every little thing about the site.  Examples: how many books are on the shelf, how many items are in the display case, what are the items in the case? etc.  After a few minutes, see if you remember the details of the room.

 2. Practice describing suspects

Whenever you see a person in your area, observe that person for a few seconds and make a mental note of the person’s description.  After taking a mental note wait a few minutes and then write a description of the person of the person on your notepad as if that person as you would describe them if they were a suspect.  Includes all of the details needed to properly describe a suspect.  (height, weight, hair, clothing, etc.)  When you see that person again, look at your notes and check your accuracy.  You will notice that over the course of time, your skills sharpen.

 3. Think about what if scenarios in your mind.

Reflect on your training and ask yourself “what would I do if _______ happened.”  Example: What would I do if an armed suspect entered the door?  What should I do if that person entering attempted to grab an item and run out the door?  There are countless situations that can occur at a site.  Reviewing how you would handle various situations is a great way to stay mentally prepared for incidents when they happen.  As a security guard in Maryland, Virginia or Washington DC, you never know when an incident may happen.  It is best to be mentally prepared.

Working a post can be boring. When working as a security guard at such a post is important to remember that you are there for a reason.  Clients do not ask security companies to provide security guards because they feel like paying for security.  There is always a reason for being there.  It is also the nature of the job which happens to pay you.  Whenever the fact of possible action or the financial benefits that working provides you start to be overshadowed by the boredom of the site, use the above excersices.  They provide the benefit of fighting benefit while improving your security skills.  Doing these excercises could save your life or help solve a crime.

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